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Description: android bluetooth 介绍android 蓝牙工作原理-android bluetooth Introduction android Bluetooth works
Platform: | Size: 97280 | Author: lichuan | Hits:


Description: android bluetooth source
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: bill | Hits:


Description: Eclair Android Bluetooth example code
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: ofox | Hits:


Description: Android 平台是 Google Phone 的手機作業平台,平台的底層採用了 Linux 作為作業系統 (圖一中的紅色部分),在Linux作業系統之下、內建了許多控制 裝置的驅動程式,包含藍芽(Bluetooth)、無線網路(WiFi)、隨插即用的USB 介 面等等,當然還有記憶體、銀幕、鍵盤、照像、音效等裝置的驅動程式,在 Linux 作業系統之上-Google Phone Android mobile phone platform is a platform, the platform uses Linux as the underlying operating system (Figure 1 in the red part), under the Linux operating system, built-in drivers for many controls, including Bluetooth (Bluetooth ), wireless Internet (WiFi), plug the USB interface and so on, of course, memory, screen, keyboard, camera, audio and other device drivers on the Linux operating system
Platform: | Size: 6414336 | Author: lizhe | Hits:


Description: android下一个蓝牙传输应用,可以实现蓝牙的基本功能-Take the next bluetooth transmission applications.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 李海生 | Hits:


Description: Android的蓝牙编程例子,基于SPP协议与蓝牙串口设备通信,本文程序作为客户端使用。-Android Bluetooth programming examples, based on the SPP agreement with the Bluetooth serial device communication, this program as a client.
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: 张国威 | Hits:


Description: android bluetooth 简单的蓝牙通信-android bluetooth sample
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 张辟 | Hits:


Description: 在android平台上使用蓝牙SPP协议连接串口蓝牙。该例子能够发送和接受信息(接收信息必须在信息后面加换行符)-android bluetooth SPP Connection .
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 黄挺进 | Hits:


Description: android的蓝牙管理基本操作例程,包括打开蓝牙,设置可见性以及可见性时间等-android basic operation of the Bluetooth management routines, including the Bluetooth, set the visibility and the visibility time
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 许凌之 | Hits:


Description: android 蓝牙打印机代码 通过蓝牙怎么和蓝牙打印机建立连接-android bluetooth printer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: gao | Hits:


Description: Android的蓝牙编程例子,基于SPP协议与蓝牙串口设备通信.-Android Bluetooth programming examples, based on the SPP agreement with the Bluetooth serial device communication
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: franduo | Hits:


Description: android蓝牙通讯实用DEMO,并且还能使用android包画出心电曲线图。-android bluetooth demo
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: 朱云峰 | Hits:


Description: android bluetooth测试代码-android bluetooth test code
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: oudan | Hits:


Description: 一个关于android bluetooth的一个学习资料,有关蓝牙耳机-A study on an android bluetooth data, the Bluetooth headset
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: demonk | Hits:


Description: Latest android bluetooth stack
Platform: | Size: 1848320 | Author: doris | Hits:


Description: Internal dbus document which is used widely in android bluetooth stack
Platform: | Size: 719872 | Author: doris | Hits:


Description: android系统蓝牙传输源代码 -android system buletooth transfer source code
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: superman | Hits:


Description: android 蓝牙 扫描 连接 android 蓝牙 扫描 连接-android 蓝牙 扫描 连接
Platform: | Size: 101376 | Author: seven | Hits:

[androidandroid 蓝牙聊天的应用源码

Description: 此文件为Android 蓝牙聊天的源代码,拿去用,不客气!(This file is Android Bluetooth chat source code, to use, you're welcome!)
Platform: | Size: 3834880 | Author: Anson_IT | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi-android-bluetooth-printer-sample-master

Description: delphi-android-bluetooth-printer-sample-master
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: aliZLET | Hits:
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